Access To Technology is a Human Right ™
podium Conditions of Media Arts October 1 – 3, 1999, Dortmund (Speaches and discussions in englisch) Speakers: – Daniel García Andújar, artist – Tobias Berger, curator – Heath Bunting, artist – Christine Meierhofer, artist – Heiner Holtappels, MonteVideo, Amsterdam –…
The work of Daniel G. Andújar
Nuria Enguita Not so long ago on the subject of the war in the Balkans, the French sociologist Edgar Morin wrote “… in any event the harmful effects are irremediable. The disaster that has emerged from the heart of Europe…
Siete artistas entran en las redes de las “afinidades dispersas”
La Fundación Telefónica presenta una muestra sobre las nuevas formas de relación EL PAÍS – Madrid – 11/06/1999 La ciudad, la familia, el espacio habitado y la tecnología son algunos de los aspectos que Nuria Enguita, conservadora de la Fundación…
Via the works of Catherine Beaugrand, Mira Bernabeu, Heath Bunting, Daniel G. Andújar, Juan Fernando Herrán, Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag and Eulalia Valldosera, “Scattered Affinities” attempts to create spaces for reflection on new forms of relations and of human behaviour. By…
Siete artistas internacionales indagan sobre los espacios de libertad en un mundo interconectado Los españoles Daniel G. Andújar, Mira Bernabeu y Eulalia Valldosera, la francesa Catherine Beaugrand, el británico Heath Bunting, el colombiano Juan Fernando Herrán y el alemán Jan-Peter…
T h e N e x t F i v e M i n u t e s 3
Tactical Media Event March 12-14, 1999, Amsterdam/Rotterdam, NL The Programme (speakers, times, dates, locations. subject to minor changes) Related Images:
Reservate der Sehnsucht [Zones of Desire]
Reservate der Sehnsucht [Zones of Desire] 21 August- 4 October 1998 Dortmunder U 35 internatinal artists on four floors with more than 4,000 qm of industrial ruins Daniel García Andújar-Siegrun Appelt-John M. Armleder-Peter Bogers-Marie Jose Burki-Diller + Scofidio-Onno Dirker-Stan Douglas-Christoph…
Some of My Favourite Web Sites Are Art
Date: 8.6.98 From: alex galloway ( Some of My Favourite Web Sites Are Art Project: ILLEGAL INTERFERENCE Daniel Garcia Andujar The name “web collider” describes web art that remixes material found on the net into a new, ready-made…
Some of My Favourite Web Sites Are Art
Date: 8.6.98 From: alex galloway Some of My Favourite Web Sites Are Art Project: ILLEGAL INTERFERENCE Daniel Garcia Andujar The name “web collider” describes web art that remixes material found on the net into a new, ready-made artwork.…