Tag: Archive
Public Library. Rethinking the Infrastructures of Knowledge Production
EXHIBITION / LABORATORY / ‘SCANDROMAT’ October 30 – November 23, 2014 Württembergsicher Kunstverein / Querungen With: Aaaaarg.org, Vuk Cosic, Kenneth Goldsmith, Library Genesis, Herman Wallace’s Library, Monoskop, Postcapital Archive, Praxis, Cornelia Sollfrank, UbuWeb, und andere CONFERENCE October 30 – November 2, 2014 Württembergischer Kunstverein and Akademie Schloss Solitude With: Daniel García Andújar, Dusan Barok, Vuk…
‘An-archy’ (Archivo Sinapsis). La 2 RTVE
http://www.rtve.es/television/archivos-tema/ Avance de ‘An-archy’ (Archivo Sinapsis) el 8 de mayo Emisión: Domingo 8 mayo 18.30 en La 2 RTVE Reemisión: Martes 10 mayo 00.45 en La 2 RTVE (Ver On-Line) [display_podcast] An-archy, de Daniel G. Andújar para RTVE Inda, una exitosa empresaria de Internet y dirigente de un influyente grupo de presión, inicia un viaje…
Law and access to culture in the information society: questions and legal challenges
Thursday 12 May, 10 a.m.Fundació Antoni Tàpies Seminar This seminar aims to provide a framework for reflection and discussion about intellectual property rights and their impact in promoting access to culture. With the participation of workers from different sectors of the intellectual property field, from copyright management companies representatives to use defenders of Creative Commons…
Post_Cyber-Communism and the Holes in the Pavement (v0.2.0.1)
EXTRACTS from the READER 01 Postcapital Archive 1989–2001 Orton Akıncı Daniel García Andújar describes the condition and the period after the “fall of the Berlin Wall” as an aspect of post-capitalism, rather than of post-communism. That condition, the period covered in Andújar’s project “Postcapital. Archive 1989-2001” also features the advance in information technologies and the…
A Castle in Ruins. Decoding the Empire
Daniel G. Andújar A HISTORY The Real Sitio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (the Monastery of El Escorial), as you will know, is a large building complex (a palace, the monastery itself, a museum and a library) set in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, a town 45km northwest of Madrid, in the Region of…
Net-Capital /Post-Capital: The Istanbul Node
EXTRACTS from the READER 01 Postcapital Archive 1989–2001 Özgür Uçkan 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall and 2001, September 11… These watershed Daniel G. Andújar chooses for his network-based archive-process installation signify a paradigm shift: the paradigm shift from scale economies to capacity economies, industrial production to flexible network production, physical power to knowledge…
On Archives and Networks
EXTRACTS from the READER 01 Postcapital. Archive 1989–2001 Basak Senova Turkey has been going through incredibly rapid and immense social, political, and cultural changes since the shift to neo-liberal economy in the beginning of the 80’s. While we have been simply going through these changes, we have neither been able to record them nor have…
Postcapital Archive (1989-2001) Beijing. “后资本文献1989-2001”展开幕
Media Links http://founder.china.cn/art/zixun/2009-07/25/content_3038757.htm http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/t/20090725/01226527262.shtml http://exhibit.artron.net/zl.php?zlid=8554 http://gallery.artron.net/index.php http://exhibit.artron.net/zl.php?zlid=8554 http://cul.sohu.com/20090622/n264680901.shtml http://www.u2lux.com/2009/0622/12368_2.html http://www.ionly.com.cn/nbo/zhanlan/zhanlaninfo.aspx?id=2345 http://www.art-ba-ba.com/blog/U/Show.asp?/_articleid/26199.html http://www.art218.com/bbs/thread-51998-1-1.html http://news.99ys.com/20090726/article–090726–27910_1.shtml http://www.cafa.com.cn/news/?N=313 http://art-here.net/html/av/7969.html http://www.artlinkart.com/exhibition/overview/795auCmo http://www.artcalendr.com/index.cfm/events/calendar.eventDetail/title_id/5947786300/event/Postcapital%20-%20Archive%201989%20-%202001 http://www.soitu.es/soitu/2009/07/25/info/1248522828_378928.html http://www.cpanet.cn/cms/html/zixun/yingzhan/20090723/38313.html http://www.youthchina.org/?action-viewnews-itemid-2155 http://gallery.artxun.com/32/3163-news-8361.shtml http://www.thebeijinger.com/events/2009/Jul/POSTCAPITAL-ARCHIVE-1989-2001 http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/beijing/events/48892/ Related Images:
Daniel García Andújar muestra su proyecto ´Postcapital´ en Stuttgart
El artista de Almoradí recorre los acontecimientos históricos más destacados entre 1989 a 2001 a través de sus instalaciones CRISTINA DE MIDDEL Daniel García Andújar participó el mes pasado en una colectiva en el MUA CRISTINA MARTÍNEZ, Diario Información Comenzó a trabajar en “Postcapital” en 2004, un “proyecto complejo”, tal como lo define su autor,…