Tag: Nuria Enguita
Press Manifesta 4
Press Manifesta 4. May 24th, Frankfurt Iara Boubnova, Stephanie Moisdon Trembley, Nuria Enguita Mayo A lot of things had been said here already that allows the entrance to our project, so I will try just quickly to add how this project has helped us, and I hope will help also the audience, to clarify better…
The work of Daniel G. Andújar
Nuria Enguita Not so long ago on the subject of the war in the Balkans, the French sociologist Edgar Morin wrote “… in any event the harmful effects are irremediable. The disaster that has emerged from the heart of Europe has struck Europe in the heart. This disaster is now generalised. The barbarity of Total…
Siete artistas entran en las redes de las “afinidades dispersas”
La Fundación Telefónica presenta una muestra sobre las nuevas formas de relación EL PAÍS – Madrid – 11/06/1999 La ciudad, la familia, el espacio habitado y la tecnología son algunos de los aspectos que Nuria Enguita, conservadora de la Fundación Tàpies, de Barcelona, ha reunido en la exposición Afinidades dispersas, abierta ayer en la Fundación…
Via the works of Catherine Beaugrand, Mira Bernabeu, Heath Bunting, Daniel G. Andújar, Juan Fernando Herrán, Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag and Eulalia Valldosera, “Scattered Affinities” attempts to create spaces for reflection on new forms of relations and of human behaviour. By means of photographs, light installations, video, sculpture and the Internet, the artists try to find…