Tag: Technologies To The People

  • Rebelión a bordo (o Disidencia en la Red): Llegan los hacktivistas.

    Por: Laura G. De Rivera. La mercantilización de Internet y los abusos de poder están en la diana de los hacktivistas. La Red deja de ser sólo un medio de comunicación para convertirse en el campo y objetivo mismo de la contienda. Sus acciones  reúnen a personas de todo el mundo a través de Internet.…

  • Technologies To The People Annual Report 2000

    Posted by Rhizomer on February 26, 2001 12:00 am To our shareholders Technologies To The People had another remarkable year in 2000. We made major advances in all our key businesses. The demand for great software that helps people work, communicate, and learn is stronger than ever. Our products are doing well because they deliver…

  • La utopía informacional; tecnología para desheredados.

    I Tchatchipen Publicación trimestral de investigación gitana, 2001 ENE-MAR, núm. 33 Las profundas transformaciones que las llamadas nuevas tecnologías y el efecto paralelo de la globalización están produciendo en nuestra sociedad, en nuestra economía y en nuestra cultura ponen en duda el ordenamiento social y político de nuestro mundo. La seria transformación que adviene no…

  • Technologies to the People® – Our Sponsor, or: How we got the attention of both Apple™ and the left German art critique

    by Inke Arns, Berlin, June 2000 <inke@snafu.de> written for Technologies to the People [d.i. Daniel Garcia Andujar], La sociedad informacional, catalogue, to be published in August 2000 [English / Spanish] „I am not fond of manipulation, and I think you should not use it for political aims.” (1) (Left-wing squatter in Berlin, April 2000) In…

  • RHIZOME_RAW: interview with Daniel Garcia Andujar of TTTP®

    Rachel Greene Rhizome.org, NYC RHIZOME_RAW: interview with Daniel Garcia Andujar of TTTP® May 1998 Daniel Garcia Andujar an artist from Valencia, Spain. His current project is Technologies To the People®, though he has worked as an artist in other genres such as video, photography, urban intervention and installation. http://www.irational.org/daniel/ + + + RG: Explain Technologies…

  • TTTP Promotional video

    1998 DVD Presented on a monitor » Like every other company Technologies To The People (TTTP) is highly aware of (the value of) its public image and how this image is presented through different media. In this promotional video a number of international tech-economic experts praise the values and ethics of TTTP. However, originally the experts…

  • The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel’s Photo Collection

    Daniel García Andújar, E, 1998 CD-ROM, 50 gerahmte digitale Prints Koproduktion: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Reservate der Sehnsucht, Dortmunder U, 1998 Im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Reservate der Sehnsucht” in der ehemaligen Union Brauerei wurde die von Daniel García Andùjar entdeckte Fotosammlung der einstigen Brauereiangestellten Wilhelm und Manfred Beutel präsentiert. Die Sammlung dokumentiert historische Ereignisse aus Dortmund, die…

  • The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel Photo Collection

    Daniel García Andújar: The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel Photo Collection, 1998 CD-ROM, 50 framed digital prints Coproduction: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Reservate der Sehnsucht, Dortmunder U, 1998 In the course of the “Reservate der Sehnsucht” exhibition in the former Union brewery, Daniel García Andùjar presented a photograph collection he discovered. Compiled by the former brewery workers Wilhelm…

  • Short Cuts ? Anschlüsse an den Körper

        Frieze Issue 37 November-December 1997 DASA, Dortmund, Germany DASA, or the Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung (The German Health and Safety at Work Exhibition) to give it its full title, is a museum in which you can put on a pair of hygienically padded headphones and take a guided tour of the history of work. Behind…

  • un-frieden. sabotage von wirklichkeiten

    kunstforum Band 136, Februar – Mai 1997, Seite 363, AUSSTELLUNGEN HAMBURG Jens Rönnau un-frieden. sabotage von wirklichkeiten Kunstverein und Kunsthaus in Hamburg, 30.11.1996 – 19.1.1997 540 Künstler aus 31 Ländern der Welt waren 1996 dem Aufruf gefolgt, Konzepte zum Thema “un-frieden. sabotage von wirklichkeiten” einzureichen. Per weltweitem Internet hatten die Ausstellungskuratorinnen Ute Vorkoeper und Inke…