Tag: Hack

  • Rebelión a bordo (o Disidencia en la Red): Llegan los hacktivistas.

    Por: Laura G. De Rivera. La mercantilización de Internet y los abusos de poder están en la diana de los hacktivistas. La Red deja de ser sólo un medio de comunicación para convertirse en el campo y objetivo mismo de la contienda. Sus acciones  reúnen a personas de todo el mundo a través de Internet.…

  • Libertad versus seguridad

    por Daniel G Andújar Internet está ineludiblemente ligada a los procesos de cambio estructural y de transformación fundamental de nuestra sociedad que, sin duda, está modificando nuestra forma de pensar, consumir, producir, comerciar y, en definitiva, modificando cada una de la actividades que emprendemos. Nuestros miedos y deseos se proyectan de manera extraordinaria sobre Internet,…

  • Phoney

    View video Andújar, Daniel Garcia Phoney TM Phoney provides the public with a power structure that confronts us with our different ways of reading and judging systems of control. An interface on a computer screen enables the user to carry out attacks on sensitive telecommunication infrastructures and to send flows of information over the main…

  • The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel’s Photo Collection

    Daniel García Andújar, E, 1998 CD-ROM, 50 gerahmte digitale Prints Koproduktion: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Reservate der Sehnsucht, Dortmunder U, 1998 Im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Reservate der Sehnsucht” in der ehemaligen Union Brauerei wurde die von Daniel García Andùjar entdeckte Fotosammlung der einstigen Brauereiangestellten Wilhelm und Manfred Beutel präsentiert. Die Sammlung dokumentiert historische Ereignisse aus Dortmund, die…

  • The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel Photo Collection

    Daniel García Andújar: The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel Photo Collection, 1998 CD-ROM, 50 framed digital prints Coproduction: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Reservate der Sehnsucht, Dortmunder U, 1998 In the course of the “Reservate der Sehnsucht” exhibition in the former Union brewery, Daniel García Andùjar presented a photograph collection he discovered. Compiled by the former brewery workers Wilhelm…

  • Short Cuts ? Anschlüsse an den Körper

        Frieze Issue 37 November-December 1997 DASA, Dortmund, Germany DASA, or the Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung (The German Health and Safety at Work Exhibition) to give it its full title, is a museum in which you can put on a pair of hygienically padded headphones and take a guided tour of the history of work. Behind…

  • Awards and Acknowledgements

    1997 Online display of awards for the TTTP website www.irational.org/tttp/Awards/awards.html Presented in the exhibition with framed printouts of the logos A long list of awards conceivably and inconceivably bestowed on the Technologies To The People website which, as its makers would have us believe, is »one of the most popular art sites on the internet «.…

  • The Body Research Machine

    Daniel García Andújar: The Body Research Machine, 1997, Multimedia-Projekt (Screenshot) Installation Coproduction: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Courtesy: Technologies To The People Since 2000, a modified version has been part of the permanent collection of the Deutschen Arbeitsschutzausstellung, Dortmund Shortcuts. Anschlüsse an den Körper, 1997 “‘THE BODY RESEARCH MACHINE©’ uses innovative technologies based on advanced biometrics in order…

  • Awards and Acknowledgements

    1997 Online display of awards for the TTTP website www.irational.org/tttp/Awards/awards.html Presented in the exhibition with framed printouts of the logos A long list of awards conceivably and inconceivably bestowed on the Technologies To The People website which, as its makers would have us believe, is »one of the most popular art sites on the internet…