Tag: 2008

  • ”Close Window. Refresh”. Honor by Daniel G. Andújar

    http://senko.dk/ International Video Exhibition in Senko Frame Project June 7.th – June 28.th: Daniel G. Andújar (Spain): ”Honor”, 2006 tttp@irational.org https://danielandujar.org The last video in this series is by the mediaartist Daniel G. Andújar better known under the fiction “Technologies To The People”. “Honor” is a part of his “Postcapital Archives”, and in this work…

  • Banquete_nodos y redes

    Interactions between art-science-technology-society in digital culture in Spain The banquete_ project came about at the beginning of the 1990s and evolved as a network of conversations and collaborations between artists, scientists, humanists, technologists and activists. The shared motivation has been to encourage and socialise the dialogue between sciences and humanities with a mandate to explore…

  • Workshop Buenos Aires 2008

    DIT. Do it Together. Workshop Series. Un encuentro/taller teórico-práctico de Technologies To The People y dirigido por Daniel García Andújar. Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires Del lunes 30 de junio al viernes 4 de julio de 2008. De 16 a 19 hs. Taller con cupo limitado e inscripción hasta el 20 de junio…

  • Banquete_nodos y redes

    Interacciones entre arte-ciencia-tecnología-sociedad en la creación digital en España 06.06 – 03.11.2008 LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón Marzo – Julio 2009 ZKM, Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Alemania www.laboralcentrodearte.org Desde principios de los años 90, el proyecto banquete_ explora las relaciones entre los sistemas biológicos, sociales, tecnológicos y culturales, evolucionando como…

  • 01SJ Global Festival of Art on the Edge

    01SJ Future Films Camera 12, Theater 4 Wednesday, June 4 – Saturday June 7, 2008, 2 pm – 10 pm Sunday, June 8, 2008, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Future Films presents a broad range of innovative work in the realm of the moving image. There will be an ongoing presentation of short “future films”…

  • Herramientas del arte. Relecturas [Tools of Art. Rereadings]. Corversation with Álvaro de los Ángeles

    The following conversation is another way of presenting a few of the issues that this project wishes to analyse. It is a virtual dialogue-in-progress between Álvaro de los Ángeles and Daniel G. Andújar, written in the places and moments when it was possible to do so. Many of the ideas that were developed, however, were…

  • DIT. Do it Together. Workshop Series.

    Un encuentro/taller teórico-práctico de Technologies To The People DIT. Do it Together. Workshop Series Un encuentro/taller teórico-práctico de Technologies To The People dirigido por Daniel G. Andújar. Lugar de celebración: AULABIERTA. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Fecha: 19 de mayo de 2008. Horario: 12:30-15:30 / 17:00-20:00 hrs. Inscripción: Gratuita. Envía un mail a aaabierta@aaabierta.org con asunto…

  • Simposio: Nuevos medios y realidad sociocultural en la creación audiovisual contemporánea.

    Granada, 19 a 21 de mayo de 2008 Universidad de Granada – España Cada día se hace más importante la necesidad de una proyección sociocultural del arte contemporáneo desde el ámbito de la investigación y de la realización de los más diferentes programas estéticos. Esta funcionalidad se hace perentoria por la absoluta necesidad que tiene…

  • Sergi / Atölye. Gerçekliğin PostKapital Arşivden Algılanması

      Sergi / Atölye Serisi: “Kayıtsız / Beraber Yapalım” Akbank Sanat Beyoğlu 13 Mart 2008, Perşembe 18:30 Gerçekliğin PostKapital Arşivden Algılanması [Halka Sunulan Teknolojiler adına Daniel G. Andújar’dan Atölye/Toplantı] Bu disiplinlerarası atölye, kültür yöneticileri, medya çalışanları, sanatçılar, bilim adamları, akademisyenler ve aktivistler için tasarım, görsel iletişim, sanat, medya ve kültür gibi alanları ele almaktadır. Related…

  • ‘Unrecorded’ exhibition questions space

    Wednesday, March 5, 2008 ISTANBUL – Turkish Daily News An exhibition titled “Kayıtsız / Unrecorded” kicks off today in Akbank Sanat to portray the notion of space as a instrumental factor in the perception reality. The exhibition, that will continue until April 16, hosts many artists from around the world among them Kate Armstrong, Banu…