Tag: Public Intervention
Heimatwechsel (Change of Home)
International Student Workshop 10 July – 10 August 2004 PhoenixHalle Dortmund with Antoni Muntadas Daniel García Andújar Bettina Lockemann The Project “Heimatwechsel” is an interdisciplinary 4-week workshop for students specialising in the areas of design, visual communication, art, media and culture sciences. The tutors of the workshop are three internationally renowned artists from the USA,…
The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel’s Photo Collection
Daniel García Andújar, E, 1998 CD-ROM, 50 gerahmte digitale Prints Koproduktion: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Reservate der Sehnsucht, Dortmunder U, 1998 Im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Reservate der Sehnsucht” in der ehemaligen Union Brauerei wurde die von Daniel García Andùjar entdeckte Fotosammlung der einstigen Brauereiangestellten Wilhelm und Manfred Beutel präsentiert. Die Sammlung dokumentiert historische Ereignisse aus Dortmund, die…
The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel Photo Collection
Daniel García Andújar: The Manfred and Wilhelm Beutel Photo Collection, 1998 CD-ROM, 50 framed digital prints Coproduction: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Reservate der Sehnsucht, Dortmunder U, 1998 In the course of the “Reservate der Sehnsucht” exhibition in the former Union brewery, Daniel García Andùjar presented a photograph collection he discovered. Compiled by the former brewery workers Wilhelm…
Research department
1997 Website « www.irational.org/tttp/TTTP/estadisticas/appreciate.html UFO.html Beverages.html password.html Radio.html tv.html women1.html Presented as large-format wallpaper installation » The Research Department of Technologies To The People devotes itself to statistically recording and presenting core areas of contemporary life. In regard to levels of technology ownership in the USA, the department tells us that 77.3 % of the…
Preliminary Basic Application
1997 Online application form « www.irational.org/tttp/TTTP/TTTP.html Presented as online website Daniel G. Andújar’s company Technologies To The People (TTTP) invites interested parties to submit an application to the grants programme of the fictitious Technologies To The People Foundation. A click on the hyperlink takes potential applications to the Preliminary Basic Application, a serious-looking questionnaire which…
Awards and Acknowledgements
1997 Online display of awards for the TTTP website www.irational.org/tttp/Awards/awards.html Presented in the exhibition with framed printouts of the logos A long list of awards conceivably and inconceivably bestowed on the Technologies To The People website which, as its makers would have us believe, is »one of the most popular art sites on the internet «.…
Awards and Acknowledgements
1997 Online display of awards for the TTTP website www.irational.org/tttp/Awards/awards.html Presented in the exhibition with framed printouts of the logos A long list of awards conceivably and inconceivably bestowed on the Technologies To The People website which, as its makers would have us believe, is »one of the most popular art sites on the internet…
Echastrí 14
• Intervención “Soy Gitano” EL EUROPEO. Publicación de proyecto/Intervención pública. nº 46 Verano 1993. Related Images: