Library. Postcapital archive

Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Art in the Age of Intellectual Property
PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, July 19 – October 19, 2008

Daniel García Andújar / ES

///Im Zentrum der Installation befindet sich ein hoher Bau, den man als „Turm des öffentlichen Wissens“ bezeichnen könnte. Mit der geschlossenen Aussichtsplattform möchte Andújar eine Nicht- zugänglichkeit öffentlichen Wissens andeuten. „Die halbrunde Form der beiden Tische, die an den Buchstaben c erinnert, steht zum einen für community, zum anderen für copyright. Das sind die beiden Pole.“ Der Fußboden ist mit den Logos von Unter- nehmen bedruckt, die das nichtöffentliche, privatisierte Wissen repräsentieren. Dieses skulpturale Setting beherbergt Andujars Postcapital-Archiv.

/// situated at the heart of the installation is a lofty structure that could be designated as a ‘tower of public knowledge’. by means of the observation deck, which is not accessible, andújar aims to insinuate inaccessibility to public knowledge. ‘the semicircular form of the two tables, reminiscent of the letter C, represents both community and copyright   —   the two poles’. the floor is printed with logos from companies representing non-public, privatised knowledge. this sculptural setting accommodates andújar’s Postcapital Archive.

‘You can’t use it without my permission … I’m gonna sue your ass!’ shouts Disney’s Little Mermaid with the angry voice of a copyright lawyer in the video Gimme the Mermaid (4:49 min., 2000).

The video by Negativland and Tim Maloney, situated at the exhibition entrance, is one of twenty eight works included in ‘Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Art in the Age of Intellectual Property’, an exhibition presented by Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV). It is part of the project “Work 2.0 – Copyright and Creative Work in the Digital Age”. In the framework of “Work 2.0”, HMKV – together with the Berlin-based collaborative partner e.V. – explores the relationships between creative work, intellectual property law, and technology (

Invitation cover back
Flyer cover back
Short exhibition guide

About the exhibition
How does the changing notion of (creative) work relate to intellectual property? Today we live in a post-industrial society where the goods being produced are no longer material (like steel, coal, etc.), but immaterial. The Ruhr Area, with its vast deindustrialised landscape, paradigmatically stands for this transition from the Industrial Age to the information or knowledge society. However, there is a significant difference: Immaterial goods such as knowledge and information can be reproduced without loss. Therefore, in order to function in a value-added chain, the distribution of these immaterial goods has to be restricted. This is effectuated with the aid of intellectual property (IP) law, namely copyrighting, patenting, and trademarking.

David Rice’s perfidious short story ‘Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System’ – from which curators Inke Arns and Francis Hunger have borrowed the exhibition title – deals with the concept of intellectual property: In 2065 stars – such as ex-tennis player Anna Kournikova – have their ‘brand’ protected by a satellite-based system that identifies unlicensed look-alikes and eliminates them via a strong laser beam. During a trip to the Pacific Rim, not officially cleared, the ‘real’ Anna Kournikova is identified as an imitation of herself and is consequently eliminated by the system.

>The exhibition in the PHOENIX Halle, measuring 2,200 square metres and located on the grounds of the former steelworks Phoenix-West, puts forward the thesis that the increasingly strict application of intellectual property law hampers the development of culture as a whole. It proves increasingly difficult to impart this culture by employing images, logos, or soundbites of this very culture (for instance, sampling in hip hop, which has already been made impossible by aggressive copyright lawyers threatening any use of sampling with legal action).

Die Ausstellung Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Art in the Age of Intellectual Property stellt künstlerische Arbeiten vor, die sich einerseits mit der künstlichen Verknappung von Kulturgütern befassen und andererseits mittels ‘alternativer’ Lizenzen eine Alternative zum gegenwärtigen Urheberrecht entwickeln. Die ausgewählten Arbeiten werden die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen künstlerischer Arbeit im Rahmen eines zunehmend restriktiv gehandhabten Immaterialgüterrechts aufzeigen und so den sich wandelnden Begriff von Arbeit im Kontext digitaler Reproduzierbarkeit beleuchten.

Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Kunst im Zeitalter des Geistigen Eigentums zeigt zeitgenössische künstlerische Arbeiten aus den Bereichen der Konzept-, Netz- und Softwarekunst sowie Filmwerke, die die Kollision von Technikentwicklung, digitaler Rechtekontrolle, Ökonomie und kultureller Arbeit zugleich nachdenklich und spielerisch aufzeigen.

The artists represented in this exhibition explore the question of art in the age of mechanical reproduction positioning itself differently in a post-Fordist era permeated with digital networks than in Fordist, analogue times to which Walter Benjamin has referred. Artistic techniques like cut-up, sampling, détournement, appropriation, copying, remixing, plagiarism, and repetition are employed.

Participating artists: AGENTUR/AGENCY (BE). Daniel Garcia Andújar (ES), Walter Benjamin (US), Christian von Borries (DE), Christophe Bruno (FR), Claire Chanel & Scary Sherman (US), Lloyd Dunn (US/CZ), Ramon & Pedro (CH), Fred Fröhlich (DE), Nate Harrison (US), John Heartfield (DE), Laibach/Novi kolektivizem (SI), Kembrew McLeod (US), Sebastian Lütgert (DE), Monochrom (AT), Negativland and Tim Maloney (US), Der Plan (DE), David Rice (US), Ines Schaber (DE), Alexei Shulgin & Aristarkh Chernyshev (RU), Cornelia Sollfrank (DE), Stay Free (US), Jason Torchinsky (US), UBERMORGEN.COM & Alessandro Ludovico & Paolo Cirio (CH/AT/IT), a.o.

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A comprehensive, bilingual catalogue documenting the exhibition in the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund will be published in early September 2008 (German/English, with contributions by Inke Arns, Martin Conrads, Florian Cramer, Francis Hunger and a preface by Susanne Ackers and Volker Grassmuck).

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We would like to point you to the fact that due to the Love Parade that’s taking place in Dortmund on Saturday, July 19, 2008, there will be broad traffic diversions on Friday 18 and Saturday, July 19, 2008.

The highway B1 will be blocked for cars already on Friday (July 18) evening, starting from 21:00. Comprehensive information about how to get around with your car in Dortmund can be found at the following address (in German):

On Saturday, July 19, 2008, the train service will not be fully functional. While regional trains are running, long distance trains (like the ICE) will not stop at Dortmund main station. Comprehensive informationen on the train service in Dortmund on Saturday, July 19, 2008, can be found at:

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Friday / July 18, 2008 / 19:00
Opening of the exhibition Anna Kournikova Deleted by Memeright Trusted System — Art in the Age of Intellectual Property. From 21:00 Christian von Borries plays music made from other music

Friday / September 26, 2008 / 20:00
Christian von Borries – we play what we want
A live music event involving students from Dortmund’s Music School, 2008 (premiere)

September 26 – 28, 2008
Creative Work and Copyright
Conference in the framework of the project
Work 2.0 – Copyright and Creative Work in the Digital Age

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Exhibition venues and Opening hours

PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Hochofenstraße / Ecke Rombergstraße
Thu + Fri 11:00— 22:00
Sat + Sun 11:00— 20:00

Heimat Design Shop
Kleppingstraße 43
Mon — Fri 10:00 —19:00
Sat 10:00 —18:00

PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
4 € / 2 € reduced

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Anna Kournikova Deleted by Memeright Trusted System —Art in the Age of Intellectual Property

Exhibition in the framework of Work 2.0 – Copyright and Creative Work in the Digital Age

Hartware MedienKunstVerein
PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
19 July — 19 October 2008

Curated by:
Dr. Inke Arns, Artistic Director of HMKV
Francis Hunger, Junior Curator of HMKV

Managing Director HMKV:
Susanne Ackers

Kathleen Blümel, Francis Hunger

Technical Director/Exhibition Architecture:
Uwe Gorski

Editing of the catalogue and of the short guide:
Anna Paterok, Berlin

labor b

Conference Organisation:
Andrea Eichardt

Public Relations:
Roland Kentrup, ZK Medienagentur, Dortmund

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The exhibition Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Art in the Age of Intellectual Property takes place in the frame of Work 2.0 — Copyright and Creative Work in the Digital Age.

Work 2.0 — Copyright and Creative Work in the Digital Age is a project by

Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund, and, Berlin

The project Work 2.0 deals with the relation between creative work, copyright and technology. It consists of three parts: The information portal on copyright,, researches new forms of labour relations in the most important copyright branches and runs a blog and a forum on this topic. This part of the project is developed in cooperation with AG Informatik in Bildung und Gesellschaft, Institut für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and receives funding by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in the framework of Innovations- und Technikanalyse. The exhibition by Hartware MedienKunstVerein provides a survey of artistic strategies dealing with the new frameworks in the areas of work and property. Finally, the symposium Creative Work and Copyright, which is sponsored by the Federal Center for Civic Education, will offer space for discussion the results of the collaborative project.

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Creative Work and Copyright
A symposium by, Berlin, and Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund
in the PHOENI X Halle Dortmund
Friday, 26 September — Sunday, 28 September 2008

Does copyright protect the author or the exploiter? How do authors work — with public grants, in creative industries, or in happy and willing self-exploitation? Remixing is illegal yet extremely common — how can the interests of the creatives and re-creatives be reconciled? Pressing questions from the analysis of new labour conditions will be explored not only in talks and panel discussions but also in the form of performances, films, concerts, and a tour of the exhibition. The symposium is sponsored by the Federal Centre for Civic Education.

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Arbeit 2.0 — Copyright and creative work in the Digital Age
is a project by:
Hartware MedienKunstVerein

Supporting organisations:
mikro e.V., Berlin
AG Informatik in Bildung und Gesellschaft, Institut für Informatik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Funded by:
Kunststiftung NRW
Der Ministerpräsident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Kulturbüro Stadt Dortmund
NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal
Kulturwerk der VG-BILD-KUNST GmbH, Bonn

Heimatdesign Magazin/ Shop/ Agentur/
Medien Kunst Raum Unna

Media partner:

Related Images:



One response to “Library. Postcapital archive”

  1. Frank

    daniel, i was in Dortmund, Congratulations!

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