Tag: 2009
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial Thu, October 22 , 2009 – Mon, April 5 , 2010 FEEDFORWARD – The Angel of History addresses the current moment in history where the wreckage of political conflict and economic inequality is piling up, while globalized forces—largely enabled by the “progress” of digital information technologies—inexorably feed us…
Herramientas del Arte al Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil. Mexico DF
Yo uso perfume para ocupar más espacio Exposición colectiva: Gabriel Acevedo Velarde, Daniel Andujar & Rogelio López Cuenca, Julieta Aranda, Carles Congost, Ximena Cuevas, John Bock, Dustin Ericksen & Mike Rogers, Paul MacCarthy, José Clemente Orozco y David Alfaro Siqueiros Del 7 de octubre al 3 de febrero 2010 Curaduría: Willy Kautz Esta exposición se…
Postcapital Archive (1989-2001) Beijing. “后资本文献1989-2001”展开幕
Media Links http://founder.china.cn/art/zixun/2009-07/25/content_3038757.htm http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/t/20090725/01226527262.shtml http://exhibit.artron.net/zl.php?zlid=8554 http://gallery.artron.net/index.php http://exhibit.artron.net/zl.php?zlid=8554 http://cul.sohu.com/20090622/n264680901.shtml http://www.u2lux.com/2009/0622/12368_2.html http://www.ionly.com.cn/nbo/zhanlan/zhanlaninfo.aspx?id=2345 http://www.art-ba-ba.com/blog/U/Show.asp?/_articleid/26199.html http://www.art218.com/bbs/thread-51998-1-1.html http://news.99ys.com/20090726/article–090726–27910_1.shtml http://www.cafa.com.cn/news/?N=313 http://art-here.net/html/av/7969.html http://www.artlinkart.com/exhibition/overview/795auCmo http://www.artcalendr.com/index.cfm/events/calendar.eventDetail/title_id/5947786300/event/Postcapital%20-%20Archive%201989%20-%202001 http://www.soitu.es/soitu/2009/07/25/info/1248522828_378928.html http://www.cpanet.cn/cms/html/zixun/yingzhan/20090723/38313.html http://www.youthchina.org/?action-viewnews-itemid-2155 http://gallery.artxun.com/32/3163-news-8361.shtml http://www.thebeijinger.com/events/2009/Jul/POSTCAPITAL-ARCHIVE-1989-2001 http://www.cityweekend.com.cn/beijing/events/48892/ Related Images:
Theories of Relativity
Sophie MacKinnon, City Week Time, as Albert Einstein famously pointed out, is relative. And so too are our perceptions, a point that artist Daniel Garcia Andújar highlights in his exhibit “Postcapital Archive 1989-2001.” The ambitious exhibition seeks to document the opposition of political, ideological and social forces over a volatile 13-year period. For Andújar the…
Problemas con la infraestructura
Bienal de Venecia CARLES GUERRA – 12/08/2009, Culturas, La Vanguardia Las aportaciones más críticas con la fórmula de la Bienal proceden del pabellón catalán y de los Emiratos Árabes El mismo lunes que aterrizaba en Venecia, el ministro italiano de Administración pública provocaba al alcalde de la ciudad: “Venezia svenduta e mercificata” (Corriere della Sera,27/…
비엔날레에 대한 도전, 혹은 새로운 형식적 실험 -카탈로니아 파빌리온
글▮신보슬(큐레이터, 토탈미술관) 매번 느끼는 것이지만, 비엔날레는 늘 김빠진 사이다 같다. 광주/부산등의 한국비엔날레는 물론이고 비엔날레의 꽃이라 할 수 있는 베니스 비엔날레 역시 크게 다르지 않았다. 아무튼. 그럼에도 불구하고 예술이 세계를 반영하고 있다는 증명을 통해서 존재감을 드러내고 싶었는지 올 베니스 비엔날레는 세상 돌아가는 판과 크게 다르지 않았다. 두바이, 아부다비 의 건설 붐을 반영하듯 다양한 프로젝트가 소개되었다. 전시라기…
《后资本文献1989 – 2001》于伊比利亚当代艺术中心开幕1
内容概要: 今天下午5时,由瓦伦丁•洛马策划的《后资本文献1989 – 2001》于798伊比利亚当代艺术中心开幕并举行了新闻发布会。西班牙国际文化艺术基金会主席高平、中国对外文化集团公司总经理张宇、中国驻巴西大使夫 人刘敏来到了开幕现场,伊比利亚当代艺术中心总监夏季风、策展人瓦伦丁.洛马、艺术家丹尼埃尔.加西亚.安杜哈发表了开幕致辞。德国斯图加特符腾美术馆馆 长汉斯.D.克里斯特、伊利斯.德累斯勒女士、时间机器影像中心事业总监张朝明、时间机器影像中心推广总监马提龙作为嘉宾来到现场。 Related Images:
Exposición artista español en Pekín recoge 250.000 documentos de 1989 a 2001
Pekín, 25 jul (EFE).- La exposición “Postcapital. Archive 1989-2001” del español Daniel García Andújar inaugurada hoy en Pekín recoge 250.000 documentos compilados de Internet por el artista en los últimos diez años. Esta muestra es la misma que tuvo el pabellón catalán en la 53 edición de la bienal de Arte de Venecia, que combina…
La comunitat inconfessable. Venezia Catalunya 2009.
The project – lines of work Despite being presented as a unitary project, La comunitat inconfessable has three different lines of action: 1. An exhibition presenting the ideas generated by each of the participants (Sitesize/Joan Vila-Puig and Elvira Pujol, Technologies To The People/Daniel G. Andújar and Archivo F.X./Pedro G. Romero) using the metaphor of a…