Tag: 2009
Kirsten Wagner: “Postcapital” or What Follows the City?
The Knowledge City Postcapital: Vortragsreihe, Workshops, Filmprogramm Württembergischer Kunstverein, Schlossplatz 2, 70173 Stuttgart, Fon: +49 (0)711 22 33 70, info@wkv-stuttgart.de Lecture (german) Thursday, January 15, 2009, 7 pm Abstract With the advent of the so-called information age, much seemed prone to vanish: the body, the space, the city, the book along with its institution, the…
Ole W. Fischer: Post-Structural, Post-Critical, Post-Political?
Postcapital: Vortragsreihe, Workshops, Filmprogramm Württembergischer Kunstverein, Schlossplatz 2, 70173 Stuttgart, Fon: +49 (0)711 22 33 70, info@wkv-stuttgart.de Architekturdebatten nach dem Fall der Mauer Vortrag Freitag, 9. Januar 2009, 19 Uhr Abstract Die so genannte „kritische“ Architektur (Criticality) entstand in den 1970er Jahren parallel aus der Ablehnung gegen Postmoderne und Spätmoderne als ein gedankliches Konstrukt, welches…
Daniel García Andújar muestra su proyecto ´Postcapital´ en Stuttgart
El artista de Almoradí recorre los acontecimientos históricos más destacados entre 1989 a 2001 a través de sus instalaciones CRISTINA DE MIDDEL Daniel García Andújar participó el mes pasado en una colectiva en el MUA CRISTINA MARTÍNEZ, Diario Información Comenzó a trabajar en “Postcapital” en 2004, un “proyecto complejo”, tal como lo define su autor,…
Du-Yul Song: Ineluctability of the Third Party
Lecture (german) Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 7 pm Postcapital. Lecture series, Workshops, Film program December 2008 – January 2009 Württembergischer Kunstverein, Schlossplatz 2, 70173 Stuttgart, Fon: +49 (0)711 22 33 70, info@wkv-stuttgart.de Abstract In a dyadic political landscape on the Korean Peninsula, where the expression “border crosser” still belongs to the expletive category of words,…
Valentín Roma guanya el concurs de comissari per al projecte de Catalunya a la Biennal de Venècia 2009
L’Institut Ramon Llull ha rebut 18 projectes Valentín Roma ha estat el comissari guanyador del concurs internacional que l’Institut Ramon Llull ha convocat per elaborar el projecte del pavelló de Catalunya a la 53a Biennal d’Arts Visuals de Venècia 2009. El projecte inclou obres de Pedro G. Romero, Technologies to the People i Sitesize. El…
Banquete nodos y redes, Spanish media art
Vito Campanelli, neural The Banquete project is a series of exhibitions which promote the Spanish state-of-the-art scene. This year’s installment (the third) took place at the Laboral in Gijon. The project is very well organised and succeeds in bringing people from disparate places together. The thirty artists selected by curator Karin remains the development of…