Month: August 2002
lux ziffer #3
an anonymous award for those who feed or fight the digital dragon the lux ziffer award was first assigned at transmediale.01. lux ziffer #1went to Daniel Garcia Andujar for his CD-Rom Phoney TM, which in adisquieting way pretends to unlawfully access private data and to executeother illegal Internet actions . now the prize, which is…
lux ziffer #3
an anonymous award for those who feed or fight the digital dragon zum ersten mal wurde der lux ziffer award bei der transmediale.01 vergeben.lux ziffer #1 ging an Daniel Garcia Andujar für seine CD-Rom Phoney TM, dieillegale zugriffe auf nicht-oeffentliche daten und andere ungesetzlicheinternet-aktionen beunruhigend realistisch vortaeuschte. nun wird der preis, der von einer anonymen…
DataClouds, on-line participatory environments and ‘open source’
On August 13 and 14, V2_Lab moderated a workshop on open source, free software and on-line participatory environments (such as DataWolk Hoeksche Waard and DataCloud2), within the framework of the International Symposium for Emoção Art.ficial in São Paolo, Brazil. Organized by Anne Nigten, manager V2_Lab, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Related Images: