Phoney provides the public with a power structure that confronts us with our different ways of reading and judging systems of control. An interface on a computer screen enables the user to carry out attacks on sensitive telecommunication infrastructures and to send flows of information over the main national telephone company. The programme enables the user to destabilise, manipulate, spy, defraud or destroy from the operative position which he holds. The public has in his/ her hands the necessary information and tools to hack the sensitive infrastructures, damage or destroy systems, make free phone calls to Australia, violate electronic mail, obtain private information an act that for many is routine, carried out regularly in an anonymous and intimate way. For those who have equipment, knowledge and intention, technology can be used at any time, any place, anywhere; it is oblivious to borders and jurisdictions. This creates an interaction between what is considered private and public, national and supranational, local and global. The possible threat to the company depends on both the capacity and the intention of the user and at the same time one´s selfcontrol. Daniel Garcia Andújar
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