Tag: Technologies To The People
“ 人类技术”:丹尼埃尔· G · 安杜哈
Technologies To The People: Daniel García Andújar “ 人类技术”:丹尼埃尔· G · 安杜哈 文_ 瓦伦丁· 洛马 Valentín Roma 译_ 吴娴敏 Translate by Wu Xianmin www.danielandujar.org http://www.ai-magazine.cn/ “ 人类技术”(Technologies To The People,下称TTTP)于 1996 年问世,当时它作为展览“反调——现实的毁灭”的一部 分,在汉堡艺术协会和汉堡美术馆展出。起初,“人类技术”呈现 给众人的是一个致力于将先进的科技带给下层社会的虚拟企业形 象,以及一系列模糊的企业形象,展览效果极具威慑力。展览中 的这些身份认知的动摇、视觉原型都与信息时代中的商业公司有 关。数字科技发展的初始阶段,上市公司所持股票贬值、企业形 象被高度夸大、商业声明含糊其辞——这些一度引起传媒关注的 金融海市蜃楼,之后又消失得片甲不留——重要的是,TTTP 正是 在这一信息爆炸的时期应运而生。并且,这一时期也是互联网技 术发展的初始阶段,人们假想出一种独立精神,他们认为互联网 相关知识的普及应该成为民主化进程的一部分,但这一公正中立 的理想最终未能实现。所以,TTTP 的出现,是一种双重讽刺—— 一方面虚构了科技公司的不良形象,将其置于尴尬的境地;另一 方面则讽刺了那些在数字时代追求自由的信徒们。 Related Images:
Daniel Andujar / Street access machine (Mašina za ulični pristup)
opisi radova sa izložbe Programska selekcija: Wealth of Nations Proizvodi koje nudi „Technologies To The People“ (TTTP), kompanija koju je osnovao Danijel G. Anduhar, idu od „the Street Access Machine®“ (mašine za pristup ulici), preko „the Recovery Card®“ (kartice za oporavak) i „Internet Street Access Machine®“ (internet mašine za pristup ulici), sve do „The Personal…
Wealth of Nations
Wealth of Nations Wealth of Nations Exhibition (6–14th June, Trg Slobode, Novi Sad)Conference (7th and 8th June, SNP, kamerna scena) Wealth of Nations is a part of the Cinema City festival and consists of an exhibition and a conference. The term ‘Wealth of Nations’ is the title of the seminal book by the Scottish economist…
mediating conflict ::::
Sylvie Lacerte What is the term “mediating conflict” if not redundant, since mediation itself implies the existence of conflict? And why would anyone create and organize an exhibition on the subject? This exhibition is intended as a reflection on the need for access to a middleman to resolve conflicts—latent or declared—in society in general, but…
honor et médiation d’un conflit
daniel garcía andújar projet d’archives post-capitalistes, honor et médiation d’un conflit La médiation du conflit/Mediating Conflict. Sylvie Lacerte, commissaire Maison de la culture du Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montreal, Canada :::: Daniel G Andújar De nos jours, le champ visuel est étroitement associé au territoire contemporain de la culture numérique : divertissements numériques, publicité… Les artistes ne sont…
La médiation du conflit/Mediating Conflict
Les artistes Daniel G. Andujar (Barcelone), Caroline Seck Langill (Peterborough) et Marie-Christiane Mathieu (Montréal) exploreront les différentes facettes du conflit, tant dans la sphère privée que dans l’espace public, à travers leurs oeuvres, faisant toutes usage des technologies. Ce projet de la commissaire Sylvie Lacerte a bénéficié du soutien financier de l’Entente sur le développement…
Library. Postcapital archive
Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System – Art in the Age of Intellectual Property PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, July 19 – October 19, 2008 Daniel García Andújar / ES ///Im Zentrum der Installation befindet sich ein hoher Bau, den man als „Turm des öffentlichen Wissens“ bezeichnen könnte. Mit der geschlossenen Aussichtsplattform möchte Andújar eine Nicht-…
Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System
Art in the Age of Intellectual Property PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, July 19 – October 19, 2008 ‘You can’t use it without my permission … I’m gonna sue your ass!’ shouts Disney’s Little Mermaid with the angry voice of a copyright lawyer in the video Gimme the Mermaid (4:49 min., 2000). The video by Negativland and…