Month: January 1997

  • The Body Research Machine

    Daniel García Andújar: The Body Research Machine, 1997, Multimedia-Projekt (Screenshot) Installation Coproduction: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Courtesy: Technologies To The People Since 2000, a modified version has been part of the permanent collection of the Deutschen Arbeitsschutzausstellung, Dortmund Shortcuts. Anschlüsse an den Körper, 1997 “‘THE BODY RESEARCH MACHINE©’ uses innovative technologies based on advanced biometrics in order…

  • Awards and Acknowledgements

    1997 Online display of awards for the TTTP website Presented in the exhibition with framed printouts of the logos A long list of awards conceivably and inconceivably bestowed on the Technologies To The People website which, as its makers would have us believe, is »one of the most popular art sites on the internet…

  • The Body Research Machine

    Installation, 1997 Koproduktion: Hartware MedienKunstVerein Courtesy: Technologies To The People Seit 2000 in modifizierter Form in der ständigen Sammlung der Deutschen Arbeitsschutzausstellung, Dortmund Shortcuts. Anschlüsse an den Körper, 1997 “THE BODY RESEARCH MACHINE© nutzt neuartige Technologien, die auf hochentwickelten biometrischen Technologien basieren, um komplexe Daten über den menschlichen Körper zu erfassen. Die Maschine sendet Ultraschall-Wellen…