Tag: Vladan Joler
Daniel Andujar / Street access machine (Mašina za ulični pristup)
opisi radova sa izložbe Programska selekcija: Wealth of Nations Proizvodi koje nudi „Technologies To The People“ (TTTP), kompanija koju je osnovao Danijel G. Anduhar, idu od „the Street Access Machine®“ (mašine za pristup ulici), preko „the Recovery Card®“ (kartice za oporavak) i „Internet Street Access Machine®“ (internet mašine za pristup ulici), sve do „The Personal…
Wealth of Nations
Wealth of Nations Wealth of Nations Exhibition (6–14th June, Trg Slobode, Novi Sad)Conference (7th and 8th June, SNP, kamerna scena) Wealth of Nations is a part of the Cinema City festival and consists of an exhibition and a conference. The term ‘Wealth of Nations’ is the title of the seminal book by the Scottish economist…