Daniel G. Andújar, an esteemed visual artist, theorist, and activist residing in Barcelona, is renowned for his dynamic interventions within public spaces and his critical engagement with digital media, along with the strategic methodologies employed by associated corporations. Born in Almoradí, Alicante, Spain, in 1966, Andújar’s body of work navigates the nuanced landscapes of both tangible urban environments and the ethereal realms of the Internet. His artistic and theoretical endeavors are anchored in the exploration of the intricate interplay between these domains, illuminating the disparities and power dynamics that underpin social and relational frameworks in contemporary society. Andújar adopts a collaborative approach to his projects, delving into a multitude of political, historical, social, and cultural discourses and their manifestation within media narratives, with a focus on issues such as body politics, corruption, censorship, xenophobia, urban development, cultural industries, technological access and exclusion, and the utilization of public spaces.
A dedicated educator, Andújar has imparted knowledge and facilitated workshops and seminars for artists and community groups across the globe. In 2011, he contributed to the Strategy for Visual Arts initiated by the Ministry of Culture. He is a longstanding member of the Hangar Foundation’s Board of Trustees and has championed the rights of visual artists through his leadership role in the Associació d’artistes visuals de Catalunya (AAVC). Andújar’s art has been showcased in prestigious exhibitions worldwide, including Manifesta 4 and the 53rd Venice Biennale. The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid presented an extensive solo exhibition of his work from January to April 2015, curated by Manuel Borja-Villel. Additionally, in 2017, he made significant contributions to documenta14 in Athens and Kassel, further cementing his status as a pivotal figure in contemporary art.
Daniel G. Andújar
Technologies To The People™

Daniel G. Andújar is a visual artist, theoretician, and activist who works and lives in Barcelona. Through interventions in public space and a critical use of digital media and the communication strategies of the corporations connected to it, the theoretical and artistic work developed by Daniel G. Andújar (Almoradí, Alicante, Spain, 1966) oscillates between territories that are real (the city) and virtual (the Net).
He sets out from the premise that, when displaying/dissecting the connections found between both, the inequalities that generate social and power relations are envisaged in a context like the current one. Most of his art projects are based on collaborative research that explores different political, historical, social and cultural phenomena and their media representations in a critical way: body politics, corruption, censorship, xenophobia, urban developments, the cultural industries, the inclusion and exclusion of technologies, the use of public space, etcetera.
He has taught and directed workshops and seminars for artists and social collectives in numerous countries. In 2011, he was part of the writing team for the Strategy for Visual Arts, promoted by the Ministry of Culture. Historical member of the Board of Trustees of the Hangar Foundation and worked from the presidency of the Associació d’artistes visuals de Catalunya (AAVC) in the fight for the rights of visual artists. His works have been shown in numerous exhibitions worldwide, including Manifesta 4 and the 53rd Venice Biennale. The Spanish National Museum Reina Sofia in Madrid hosted a comprehensive one-man show from January to April 2015, curated by Manuel Borja-Villel. In 2017, participate in documenta14 in Athens and Kassel.
Solo Shows (selection)
— Laberint Creatiu. El Que Queda Després: Daniel G. Andújar, Medol, Tarragona, Spain
—Daniel G. Andújar: Damnatio Memoriae, alchemists, jesters, and masks, àngels barcelona gallery, Barcelona, Spain
—Patente de corso, Museo Nacional de Antropología, Madrid, Spain. Curator Imma Prieto
—Patente de corso, Es Baluard Museum, Palma Mallorca, Spain. Curator Imma Prieto
— Ideo lengua, Galeria Kernel, Caceres, Spain
— The art of Seduction. El artista y la modelo (with Rogelio López Cuenca), Palma Dotze – Galeria d´Art, Barcelona, Spain
— El Tercer Estado, La Virreina Centre de la Imatge , Barcelona, Spain. Curator Valentin Roma
— Que reste-t-il ?. Je Suis Né Étranger. Programme d’art contemporain des Abattoirs en région Occitanie. Musée Cévenol, Le Vigan, France. Curated by Emmanuelle Hamon
— Sistema Operativo. Colecciones, CCCC Cigarreras, Alicante. Curated by Valentin Roma
— Liders. Carré D’art-Musée D’art Contemporain, Nimes, France. Curated by Jean-Marc Prevost
— Diligencias previas. Galería T20, Murcia, Spain
— Sistema operativo. Colecciones. CCCC Centre del Carme, Valencia, Spain Curated by Valentin Roma
— Plus Ultra. KIOSK, Ghent, Belgium Curated by Wim Waelput
— Democraticemos la democracia/Let,s democratise democracy. ADN Platform, Barcelona, Spain
— Los desastres de la guerra. Fundaciò Suñol, Barcelona, Spain
— El gato de Schrödinger. La superposición de estados y la paradoja del observador. àngels barcelona gallery, Barcelona, Spain
— Los desastres de la guerra, Caballo de Troya. Centre del Carme, Consorci de Museus de la Generalitat Valenciana, Valencia, Spain
— Trastorno de Identidad. Galería Casa sin fin, Madrid, Spain
— The Butterfly Funnel. ArtPace, San Antonio,TX, USA.
Curated by Juan de Nieves
— Naturaleza vigilada/Überwachte Natur. Museo Vostell Malpartida. Spain
— El Capital. La Mercancía. Guilloché. Galería Casa sin fin, Madrid, Spain
— Daniel G. Andújar. Zones of Conflict. HeK House of Electronic Arts Basel, CH. Curated by Sabine Himmelsbach
— The Art of Seduction (with Rogelio López Cuenca). Palmadotze, Galeria díArt, Barcelona, Spain
— Daniel G. Andújar. Sistema Operativo. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain. Curated by Manuel J. Borja-Villel
— Territorios_Murcia. Centro Puertas de Castilla, Murcia, Spain. Curated by Pedro Ortuño
— El Capital. La Mercancía. El dinero. Galería Casa sin fin, Caceres, Spain
— Technologies To The People Photo Collection. Galería Casa sin fin, Madrid, Spain
— The Art of Seduction (with Rogelio López Cuenca). Palmadotze, Galeria díArt, Vilafranca del Penedés, Spain
— Capital León. Musac, León, Spain. Curated by María Inés Rodríguez
— Postcapital Archive Madrid. La Noche en Blanco, Madrid, Spain.
Curated by Basurama.
— Postcapital TimeLine. Goyang Studio, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea. Curated by Nathalie Boseul Shin
— Postkapital Arşiv (1989–2001). OPAL Contemporary Art Space, Istanbul, Turkey. Curated by Basak Senova
— Postcapital Archive (1989–2001). Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea. Curated by Nathalie Boseul Shin and Hans D. Christ
—Postcapital Archive (1989–2001) La comunidad inconfesable. Bòlit, Centre díArt Contemporani, Girona, Spain. Curated by Valentín Roma.
— The Wall. Postcapital Archive (1989-2001), Espai Visor. Valencia, Spain
— Postcapital (Mauer). Museum for Modern Art Bremen, Bremen, Germany Curated by Anne Thurmann-Jejes
— Postcapital Archive (1989–2001). Iberia Art Center, Beijing, China.
Curated by Valentín Roma
— Postcapital Archive (1989–2001). Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart Germany. Curated by Hans D. Christ and Iris Dressler
— Herramientas del arte. Relecturas (Tools of Art: Re-readings) (With Rogelio López Cuenca and Isidoro Valcárcel Medina). Sala Parpalló, Valencia, Spain Curated by Álvaro de los Ángeles
— X-Devian. The New Technologies To The People™ System. Aarhus Kunstbygning. Center for Contemporary Art, Denmark. Curated by Jacob Lillemose
—Secret, Barcelona Toolbar, Matucana 100, Ciudad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Curated by Valentín Roma
— Postcapital (with Carlos Garaicoa). Palau de La Virreina. Barcelona, Spain
— HackLandscape. PhotoEspaña 2006, Matadero, Madrid, Spain.
Curated by Horacio Fernández
— e-sevilla.org. Centro de las Artes Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain. Curated by
Pedro G. Romero
— Individual Citizen Republic Project™: El Sistema. Museu Comarcal Garrotxa, Olot, Spain. Curated by Valentín Roma
— The Power of Security, Galería Visor. Valencia, Spain
— La Sociedad Informacional. MUA (Museo Universidad Alicante), Alicante, Spain. Curated by José Luis Martinez and Aramis López
Group Shows (selection)
—Entre los ojos el deseo – Colección Oliva Arauna, Centro de Arte Alcobendas (CAA), Madrid, Spain
—Virus Diary Biennial | Cryptic Lineages/SAC Malmaison Bucharest Romania
—Futuro suspendido, presente continuoCentro Cultural de España en Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
—Ost Anders Festival 2023Ost Anders FestivalNurembergGermany
—Intimate/Outspoken, L’Atlas, Paris, France
—A Matter of Time. àngels barcelona gallery, Barcelona, Spain
—Techniques of BecomingTotal Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea.
—Circunstancias. Centro Dados Negros, Villanueva de los Infantes, Spain
—I Don’t Eat Flowers. Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau. Belgrade Serbia. Curator Merilin Talumaa
—(un)common values Two corporate collections of contemporary art. National Bank of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
—Nuit blanche Heraklion. Kotsanas Museum, Heraklion, Greece, Curator Eirini Linardaki
—¿Qué hay de nuevo? Nuevas incorporaciones a la Colección del MEIAC. Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo Badajoz, Spain Curated by José Ángel Torres Salguero
—Virus Diary. B5 Studio, Târgu Mureș, Romania
—Obertura: Más allá de los mapas. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante (MACA) Alicante, Spain Curated by Rosa Castells
—Narcohumanisme. Farmàcies i estupefaents a les pràctiques artístiques actuals. Bòlit – Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona, Spain Curated by Eloy Fernández Porta & Núria Gómez Gabriel
—Virus Diary | Jurnal de virus. Centrul Multicultural al Universității Transilvania din Brașov Brașov, Romania
—Occupy Art Festival. New York City, NY USA
—22 finestres. Mataró Art Contemporany MAC Mataró, Spain
— Communicating Vessels: Colección 1881-2021. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain Curated by Manuel Borja-Villel & Rosario Peiró
— Personae. Masks against barbarism. Es Baluard Collection, Museu d’Art Modern, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Curated by Imma Prieto
— El desempleo tecnológico. Tabakalera Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea. San Sebastián, Spain. Curated by Adonay Bermúdez
— Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead. Techniques of Becoming, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart,Germany. Curated by Iris Dressler, Hans D. Christ and Viktor Neumann
— Helga de Alvear Collection, Centro de Artes Visuales Helga de Alvear, Cáceres, Spain. Curated by José María Viñuela
— J (e m)’accuse o la mort de l’autor, Mataró Art Contemporany MAC, Mataró, Spain. Curated by Adonay Bermúdez
— Dos Espacios. Angels Barcelona Gallery, Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Pilar Líbano
— A Discourse Of Uncertainties. 1 Mira Madrid Gallery, Spain. Curated by Mira Bernabeu
— Líneas rojas. La censura a la colección de Tatxo Benet. Centre d’Art la Panera, Museo de Lleida, Lleida, Spain.
— The School of Mutation. Rosa House of Culture, Borey Art Center, SDVIG (Studio of Performative Arts), Yegorka communal gallery, Street University, Parasite art gallery, Assembly, 4413 space, Saint Petersburg, Rusia. Initiative and score by Chto Delat
— J(em)’ accuse o la mort de l,autor. MAC, Mataró, Spain. Curated by Adonay Bermúdez
— Five Tours, One Point of View. MUSAC Collection, Musac León, Spain. Curator Manuel Olveira
— Double Wall of Silence.Hestia gallery, Belgrade, Serbia. Curator Anja Obradovic & Hana Ostan Ozbolt
— Everything That We Have in Common. Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, North Macedonia. Curated by Mira Gakjina and Jovanka Popova
— Double Wall of Silence.SKUC gallery, Slovenia, Curated by Anja Obradovic & Hana Ostan Ozbolt
— Après 1975 – La Movida ?. Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France
— An aural deconstruction of narrative.àngels barcelona gallery, Barcelona,Spain
— Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead.Bergen Assembly, Bergen, Norway, Curated by Iris Dressler and Hans D. Christ
— Art Contemporani de la Generalitat Valenciana. Preguntes i Respostes. Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània,Valencia,Spain. Curated by Luis Canitzer
— Symptom Bauhaus. West Den Haag,The Hague,Netherlands.Curated by Iris Dressler and Hans D. Christ
— Art Contemporàni De La Generalitat Valenciana. Dni. Distintes Narratives D’Identitat. ’Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras,Alicante,Spain
— J(em)’ accuse o la mort de l,autor. Bolit, Girona, Spain. Curated by Adonay Bermúdez
— Peça 19. Museu de Belles Arts de Castelló, Consorci de Museus de la Generalitat Valenciana, Spain
— Picasso and the Exodus. Les Abbatoirs, FRAC- Toulouse, France. Curated by Annabelle Ténèze
— En el nombre del padre. Museo Picasso Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Rosa Martínez
— El poder del Arte. Obras de la colección del Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid,Spain. Curated by João Fernández
— UMBRAL. 13 Interventions In The Metro, Barcelona,Spain. Curated by Imma Prieto
— Toda la belleza del mundo. àngels barcelona gallery, Barcelona, Spain
— Mensaje de Arecibo 2017. Etiopia Center for Art & Technology, Zaragoza, Spain. Curated by Marí Menchaca
— 365ALC_Retrat. Lonja del Pescado, Alicante, Spain. Curated by Pilar Tebar and José Luis Martínez
— 50 Years after 50 Years of the Bauhaus 1968. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany. Curated by Iris Dressler and Hans D. Christ
— Global Control and Censorship. Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland. Curated by Bernhard Serexhe and Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás
— Provincia 53,Arte territorio y descolonización del Sahara. CEDAN, Huesca, Spain. Curated by Juan Guardiola
— Report – Notes From Reality. Kunsthalle, Osnabrück , Germany. Curated by Franz Reimer and Hermann Nöring
— Gelatina dura. Historias escamoteadas de los 80s (Hard Gelatin – Hidden Stories From The 80s). Hiriartea, Ciudadela, Pamplona, Spain. Curated by Teresa Grandas
— Emociones Incendiarias. Centre Civic Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Blanca del Río & Maike Moncayo
— Altered States. Substances in Contemporary Art – Kunstpalais Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany. Curated by Milena Mercer
— Plou, Neva, Pinta – Sala dels Trinitaris, Vilafranca del Penedes, Spain.
— All the Words for Rock. Nature and Conflict. Centro de Artes Visuals Fundación Helga de Alvear, Caceres, Spain. Curated by Julián Rodriguez
— Region (Los Relatos) Cambio del paisaje y políticas del agua. MUSAC y Fundación Cerezales Antonio y Cinia, Leon, Spain. Curated by Alfredo Puente and Bruno Marcos
— Mortalmente Herido. Galería Casa sin fin, Madrid, Spain. Curated by Julián Rodriguez
— Documenta 14. EMST—National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greek. Curated by Adam Szymczyk
— Documenta 14. Neue Neue Galerie (Neue Hauptpost), Kassel, Germany. Curated by Adam Szymczyk
— Provincia 53,Arte territorio y descolonización del Sahara. MUSAC, Leon, Spain. Curated by Juan Guardiola
— Caerán las almas de las pieles. Sala de exposiciones Diputación de Huesca, Spain. Curated by Javier Codesal and Montserrat Rodríguez Garzo
— The Blackout Festival, Bombay, India
— Crossroads. 1st Anren Biennale. Anren, Sichuan, China. Curated by Liu Ding and Carol Yinghuan Lu
— Global Control and Censorship. Tallinn Art Hall, Tallinn, Estland. Curated by Bernhard Serexhe and Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás
— Arte y Territorio. Palma Dotze, Santa Margarida i els Monjos, Barcelona, Spain
— Gelatina dura. Historias escamoteadas de los 80s (Hard Gelatin – Hidden Stories From The 80s). Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Teresa Grandas
— 13ª Biennal Martínez Guerricabeitia. Museo de la Ciudad, Valencia, Spain
— Arte vs publicidad: (re)visiones críticas desde el arte actual. Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza, Spain. Curated by Ana García Alarcón
— Dortmunder Neu Gold – art, beer & alchemy. Dortmund U, Germany
— Hic et Nunc: About Democratic Paradoxes. Managua, Tegucigalpa and San Salvador.Curated by Imma Prieto
— Remake Resnais. Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla, Spain. Curated by Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes
— Global Control and Censorship. ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany. Curated by Bernhard Serexhe and Lívia Rózsás
— Artefactos. Dados Negros. Centro de Holografía y Artes Villanueva de los Infantes, Spain
— The Beast and is the Sovereign. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Stuttgart Germany, Curated by Iris Dressler, Valentín Roma, Paul B. Preciado and Hans D. Christ
— Tercer Espacio: entre tradición y modernidad. Colección CA2M. Sala de Arte El Brocense, Cáceres
— The School of Kyiv. Kyiv Biennial 2015, Kiev, Ucrania. Curated by Hedwig Saxenhuber and Georg Schöllhammer
— Translocaciones | Observatorio de proyectos. Arts Santa Mònica. Barcelona, Spain
— Democraticemos la Democracia. Intervenciones artísticas en el Puente
de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
— Invisible Violence. Salzburguer Kunstverein, Salzburg, Austria.
Curated by Zoran Eríc, Blanca de la Torre and Séamus Kealy
— Prophetia, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain. Curated by Imma Prieto
— Languages and Aesthetics of Spanish Video Art: Ten Years of Critical Practices – Videotage, Hong Kong
— AKME 2014. Exposición Presupuesto 5€, Consonni, Bilbao, Spain
— Public Library. Rethinking the Infrastructures of Knowledge Production. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany
— El mapa imaginario, La Conservera, Ceutí, Murcia, Spain
— Archivo Lafuente. La Idea de Arte, Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria, Spain
— Invisible Violence. ARTIUM Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Vitoria, Spain. Curated by Séamus Kealy, Zoran Eríc and Blanca de la Torre
— Hic et Nunc: About Democratic Paradoxes. CCEJS AECID – PARAGUAY, Asunción, Uruguay. Curated by Imma Prieto
— Tiempo de progreso. Museo Barjola, Gijón, Asturias, Spain. Curated by Avelino Sala and José Luis Corazón
— La herencia inmaterial. Ensayando desde la Colección. . Museu díArt Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona, Spain.
Curated by Valentin Roma
— Hic et Nunc: About Democratic Paradoxes. Bolit, Girona, Spain.
Curated by Imma Prieto
— Invisible Violence. Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia. Curated by Zoran Eríc and Blanca de la Torre
— Oh, My Complex: On Unease at Beholding the City Transformation of the Public Space. Mine, Yours, Ours festival, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia. Curated by Iris Dressler, Hans D. Christ
— Helsinki Photography Biennial. Helsinki, Finland. Curated by Basak Senova
— NETescopio + NETescopio Sessions tonight. Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany. Curated by Gustavo Romano
— Hic et Nunc: About Democratic Paradoxes TEMP Art Space New York City, USA. Curated by Imma Prieto
— Riure #1 superioridad vs inferioritdad. Centre díArt Lo Pati, Tarragona, Spain. Curated by Blai Mesa
— Feria Internacional Ciudad Creativa. CentroCentro, Palacio de Cibeles
de Madrid, Spain
— To The Reader – Basis voor Actuele Kunst. BAK, Utrecht, Holland.
Curated by Benjamin Fallon
— HIC ET NUNC. Sobre paradojas democráticas. Museo Pumapungo, Cuenca, Ecuador. Curated by Imma Prieto
— The Art of Not Being Governed Like That. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. Idea and conception: Hans D. Christ, Yvonne P. Doderer, Iris Dressler, Stephan Köperl, Sylvia Winkler. In conjunction with Risk Society. Individualization in Young Contemporary Art from Germany at Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei (MOCA), Taipei, Taiwan. Curator: Melanie Bono
— Giving Form to the Impatience of Liberty. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany. Curated by Iris Dressler, Hans D. Christ
— El Teatro del Arte. Colección La Caixa de Arte Contemporáneo. Centro
de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos, Spain. Curated by Valentin Roma
— HIC ET NUNC. Sobre paradojas democráticas. Galería Proceso, Cuenca, Ecuador. Curated by Imma Prieto
— ACTS OF VOICING, On the Poetics and Politics of the Voice. Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany, and Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea. Curators: Hans D. Christ, Iris Dressler, Christine Peters, Cosmin Costinas, Natalie Boseul Shin
— Without Reality There Is No Utopia. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, EEUU. Curated by Alicia Murría, Mariano Navarro and Juan Antonio Álvarez Reyes
— 2nd edition of Project Biennial. D-0 ARK Underground, Titoís Nuclear Bunker, Konjic/Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Curators Basak Senova and Branko Franceschi
— ¡Reset! Galería Palmadotze. Masia Mas Pujó, Barcelona. Curated by
Valentin Roma, Spain
— La belleza robada. Espacio Cultural El Tanque, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
— Tools Of Distorted Creativity. Transmediale 2013 BWPWAP Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Curated by Jacob Lilemouse
Public Collections
— Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid
— Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo (MEIAC), Badajoz
— Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), ,Valencia
— Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona
— ARTIUM – Basque Museum Center of Contemporary Art, Vitoria-Gasteiz
— Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), Léon
— CA2M – Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid
— Centro de Artes Visuales Helga de Alvear, Cáceres
— Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern, Palma de Mallorca
— Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante (MACA), Alicante
— Museu d´Art Jaume Morera, Lleida,
— Banco De España, Madrid
— Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
— The Newark MuseumNewark, NJ
— les Abattoirs – FRAC Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse