TTTP Promotional video

  • 1998
  • DVD

Presented on a monitor » Like every other company Technologies To The People (TTTP) is highly aware of (the value of) its public image and how this image is presented through different media. In this promotional video a number of international tech-economic experts praise the values and ethics of TTTP. However, originally the experts were not hired and paid by TTTP but by its market rivals — global corporations like Dell, Microsoft, and so forth. The promotional video strings together sequences hijacked from corporate PR videos and the abstract concepts they use to deliver ultra-positive descriptions of their companies’ imagined role in the world. Thus, it adopts the language and visuals of business to promote the rival notion of a human-centred and common culture, subtly and humorously confronting the viewer with the question of which of the two cultural economies one wants to define ›freedom‹, ›the future‹, and not least ›access to technology‹. (Jacob Lillemose)

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